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Dark Fireworks on the Sun

July 11, 2011: On June 7, 2011, Earth-orbiting satellites detected a flash of X-rays coming from the western edge of the solar disk. Registering only "M" (for medium) on the Richter scale of solar flares, the blast at first appeared to be a run-of-the-mill eruption--that is, until researchers looked at the movies.

"We'd never seen anything like it," says Alex Young, a solar physicist at the Goddard Space Flight Center. "Half of the sun appeared to be blowing itself to bits."

NASA has just released new high-resolution videos of the event recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The videos are large, typically 50 MB to 100 MB, but worth the wait to download. Click on the arrow to launch the first movie, then scroll down for commentary:

Dark Fireworks (splash, 558px)
A close-up of the June 7th eruption shows dark blobs of plasma falling ballistically toward the surface of the sun. [99 MB Quicktime] [more]

"IN terms of raw power, this really was just a medium-sized eruption," says Young, "but it had a uniquely dramatic appearance caused by all the inky-dark material. We don't usually see that."

Solar physicist Angelos Vourlidas of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC calls it a case of "dark fireworks."

"The blast was triggered by an unstable magnetic filament near the sun's surface," he explains. "That filament was loaded down with cool1 plasma, which exploded in a spray of dark blobs and streamers."

Dark Fireworks (guided, 200px)
Plasma blobs are funneled toward sunspots by magnetic fields. [67 MB Quicktime] [more]

The plasma blobs were as big as planets, many larger than Earth. They rose and fell ballistically, moving under the influence of the sun's gravity like balls tossed in the air, exploding "like bombs" when they hit the stellar surface.

Some blobs, however, were more like guided missiles. "In the movies we can see material 'grabbed' by magnetic fields and funneled toward sunspot groups hundreds of thousands of kilometers away," notes Young.

SDO also detected a shadowy shock wave issuing from the blast site. The 'solar tsunami' propagated more than halfway across the sun, visibly shaking filaments and loops of magnetism en route. [91 MB Quicktime]

Long-range action has become a key theme of solar physics since SDO was launched in 2010. The observatory frequently sees explosions in one part of the sun affecting other parts. Sometimes one explosion will trigger another ... and another ... with a domino sequence of flares going off all around the star.

"The June 7th blast didn't seem to trigger any big secondary explosions, but it was certainly felt far and wide," says Young.

Dark Fireworks (circular wave, 558px)
This 13 MB extreme ultraviolet movie of the explosion shows a 'solar tsunami' wave billowing away from the blast site. [13 MB Quicktime] [more]

It's tempting to look at the movies and conclude that most of the exploded material fell back--but that wouldn't be true, according to Vourlidas. "The blast also propelled a significant coronal mass ejection (CME) out of the sun's atmosphere."

He estimates that the cloud massed about 4.5 x1015 grams, placing it in the top 5% of all CMEs recorded in the Space Age. For comparison, the most massive CME ever recorded was 1016 grams, only a factor of ~2 greater than the June 7th cloud.2 The amount of material that fell back to the sun on June 7th was approximately equal to the amount that flew away, Vourlidas says.

As remarkable as the June 7th eruption seems to be, Young says it might not be so rare. "In fact," he says, "it might be downright common."

Before SDO, space-based observatories observed the sun with relatively slow cadences and/or limited fields of view. They could have easily missed the majesty of such an explosion, catching only a single off-center snapshot at the beginning or end of the blast to hint at what actually happened.

If Young is right, more dark fireworks could be in the offing.  Stay tuned.

Author: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA

Exibições: 10


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Co-criando A NOVA TERRA

«Que os Santos Seres, cujos discípulos aspiramos ser, nos mostrem a luz que
buscamos e nos dêem a poderosa ajuda
de sua Compaixão e Sabedoria. Existe
um AMOR que transcende a toda compreensão e que mora nos corações
daqueles que vivem no Eterno. Há um
Poder que remove todas as coisas. É Ele que vive e se move em quem o Eu é Uno.
Que esse AMOR esteja conosco e que esse
PODER nos eleve até chegar onde o
Iniciador Único é invocado, até ver o Fulgor de Sua Estrela.
Que o AMOR e a bênção dos Santos Seres
se difunda nos mundos.
PAZ e AMOR a todos os Seres»

A lente que olha para um mundo material vê uma realidade, enquanto a lente que olha através do coração vê uma cena totalmente diferente, ainda que elas estejam olhando para o mesmo mundo. A lente que vocês escolherem determinará como experienciarão a sua realidade.

Oração ao Criador

“Amado Criador, eu invoco a sua sagrada e divina luz para fluir em meu ser e através de todo o meu ser agora. Permita-me aceitar uma vibração mais elevada de sua energia, do que eu experienciei anteriormente; envolva-me com as suas verdadeiras qualidades do amor incondicional, da aceitação e do equilíbrio. Permita-me amar a minha alma e a mim mesmo incondicionalmente, aceitando a verdade que existe em meu interior e ao meu redor. Auxilie-me a alcançar a minha iluminação espiritual a partir de um espaço de paz e de equilíbrio, em todos os momentos, promovendo a clareza em meu coração, mente e realidade.
Encoraje-me através da minha conexão profunda e segura e da energia de fluxo eterno do amor incondicional, do equilíbrio e da aceitação, a amar, aceitar e valorizar  todos os aspectos do Criador a minha volta, enquanto aceito a minha verdadeira jornada e missão na Terra.
Eu peço com intenções puras e verdadeiras que o amor incondicional, a aceitação e o equilíbrio do Criador, vibrem com poder na vibração da energia e na freqüência da Terra, de modo que estas qualidades sagradas possam se tornar as realidades de todos.
Eu peço que todas as energias e hábitos desnecessários, e falsas crenças em meu interior e ao meu redor, assim como na Terra e ao redor dela e de toda a humanidade, sejam agora permitidos a se dissolverem, guiados pela vontade do Criador. Permita que um amor que seja um poderoso curador e conforto para todos, penetre na Terra, na civilização e em meu ser agora. Grato e que assim seja.”

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