Anjo de Luz

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"MINI-STASIS" ser ou não ser, Eis a Questão? - CRISTO MIGUEL responde:

"MINI-STASIS" ser ou não ser? Eis a Questão. CRISTO MIGUEL responde

Saudações Guerreiros da Luz!

Eu sou Cristo Miguel, Soberano de Nebadon!

Amados filhos, quanta confusão em vosso meio, quantas informações desencontradas, quantos filhos da luz inertes nesse instante em razão de mensagens mal interpretadas, cujo nome é o meu, como se Eu estivesse a trazer idéias e valores desencontrados com os propósitos Divinos.

Muitos, desequilibrados em seus propósitos de trabalho na luz, ensaiam trabalho de decodificar mensagens e não se apercebem do conteúdo das mensagens, dos sentimentos que despertam naqueles que estão na condição de receptores de tais missivas.

A nossa vinda constante sempre é no sentido de restabelecer a ordem e nunca de causar a desordem, pois todos são infinitamente importantes nesse processo de transformação durante a transição planetária, e a maneira como tem expressado as idéias atribuídas a mim, em muitos casos, há equívoco e confusão, o que temos que dar cabo disto imediatamente.

Grupo Somos Luz em Ação: Quanto ao stasis que foi anunciado por um canal americano,falando de um mini stasis esta semana, isso foi uma mensagem mal interpretada?

CM: Amada Filha, a questão do mini stasis é exatamente o que tem causado grande insegurança entre todos os filhos, boa pergunta.

O que tenho dito há muito, é que a transição em algum momento exigirá de todos, um esforço em colaboração aos trabalhos das Hierarquias Celestes no cumprimento da remoção dos escuros, porquanto os prazos foram todos suplantados, no entanto, isto, em nenhum momento causará a vocês, e digo isto com precisão, nenhum desconforto físico.

Isto significa dizer que o “mini-stasis” é exatamente o recurso máximo concedido pelo Criador para que os que nada devem nesse processo de consumação da transição planetária, sofra mais com este processo, porquanto este fenômeno é o de causar o esquecimento temporário dos acontecimentos que não serão sentidos conscientemente por àqueles que não estiverem vibrando em ressonância com os fatos envolvidos de remoção e locomoção dos escuros.

Grupo Somos Luz em Ação: Também por um canal espanhol se fala de um acontecimento entre 13 e 21 de dezembro,você poderia explicar se esse acontecimento será de transformação interna ou de transformação de Gaia?

CM: Sim amados filhos, compreendam que esse apego às datas é somente uma forma simbólica de dizermos a vocês que haverá para breve esse fenômeno de stasis e, com isso, entendam que isto se consumará em algum tempo qualquer, e se os canais sinalizaram essas datas, vocês poderão considerá-las, mas digo-lhes que não é em um único dia que concluiremos a remoção dos escuros, como bem sabem, desde a Rebelião de Lúcifer, há 200.000 anos, o prazo vem se expirando para esses que ainda resistem às Ordens Superioras de Nebadon, e nem por isso, amados filhos, vocês devem crer que em apenas em 8 (oito) dias, faremos o que aguardamos realizar nesse período, desde que o Arcanjo Gabriel, após amarrar os líderes da rebelião os deixou à própria sorte, porém limitando seus poderes sde ação no Planeta Urantia.

Quanto se essa transformação é interna ou de Gaia, é simples, os rebeldes aliaram-se a Gaia por esses duzentos milênios e não será agora que a deixarão, mas talvez direi algo que para alguns não é novidade: Gaia e os Rebeldes partirão juntos, deixando o Planeta Livre para de fato se tornar o Planeta Vênus, cuja Estrela Ishtar tomará seu Trono junto ao Novo Reino Planetário, já estabelecido e formado.

Grupo Somos Luz em Ação: Qual é o procedimento mais adequado nesse momento para manter nossa vibração em harmonia e ajudar para que todos acontecimentos passem da melhor forma possível? Falo acontecimentos ,pois sei que as transformações serão internas e externas, porque como já foi dito, tudo é igual acima e abaixo e tenho a plena consciência disso:

CM: Amados filhos, vocês sempre auxiliam quando se dispõem em coração e amor a todos os irmãos envolvidos neste processo, com uma singela prece, como lhes disse Mãe Maria, ajudam tanto quanto àqueles que tem envolvimento direto quando estão em desdobramento sonambular, no entanto, tudo depende das condições, capacidade e conveniência dos que estão dirigindo este Processo.

Porém, digo aos que ainda não se enfileiraram, Mãe Maria muito se alegra com a prece sincera de todo àquele que sentir no coração a vontade de ajudar, e não sabem ainda por onde começarem, a intenção, amados filhos, nesse momento, reunida à ação, numa prece singela, poderá e muito contribuir para a liberação de seres que estejam de alguma forma conectados à vocês, e ainda não tenham se desligado do Plano Terrestre, e por algum motivo, terão que partir.

Grupo Somos Luz em Ação: O mini stasis ocorrerá em quais regiões do planeta, haverá algum local que será mais sentido do que em outros? Poderia nos dizer aonde seria?

CM: Amados filhos, esse fenômeno que vos disse será sentido por todo o Planeta, no entanto, nem por todo mundo, até por que, vocês são diferentes uns dos outros, não existe ninguém igual a ninguém. Logo, se for acrescentar ao sistema de aprendizado do filho, será sim deixado que perceba alguma parte do processo, caso contrário, se os responsáveis por sua jornada terrena, e digo precisamente O Conselho dos Anciãos, se acharem desnecessário, não percam seu tempo aguardando verem algo nesse sentido, pois o aprendizado, é antes de mais nada, um processo individual, para só assim repercutir no coletivo, os que tiverem que ver, verão.

Resumidamente é isto que vocês aqui concluíram, e já entenderam que não se soluciona 200.000 anos de problemas em apenas oito dias, no entanto, o processo se dará de forma mais intensa a partir dos próximos dias, mas nem por isso esperem que isto alterará as vossas rotinas, não é bem isso, pois os escuros, os que deixarão a Terra juntamente com Gaia, estes sim, já estão sendo recolhidos e aprisionados nos 7 mundos de detenção que circunda nosso Universo, para finalmente serem removidos aos novos locais já designados pelo Conselho dos Anciãos que estuda, nesse período, caso a caso, o local apropriado para cada um dos rebeldes.

Portanto, amados filhos, não se preocupem, a Ordem prevalecerá, pois Assim é a Vontade do Pai, Soberana sobre todas as Vontades.

Eu sou Cristo Miguel, Soberano de Nebadon.


Canalização de Elisangelis G. de Souza e GRUPO SOMOS LUZ EM AÇÃO em 01-12-2010 - 23.52 (Horário de Brasília/Time of Brazil)

Exibições: 19


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Comentário de Lucia em 2 dezembro 2010 às 15:03
Aqui coloco para você mais informações sobre a stasis. Dessa vez nas palavras de S333, que como você sabe é um Celestial enviado da Fonte Que Tudo É, para se comunicar conosco e dividir informações que outros seres não estão aptos a dar.
Como você segue o AbundantHope site não terá problemas com as mensagens em inglês, enjoy it!

Eu Sou O Que Sou

"Eu Sou A Verdade, O Caminho e a Vida" - Cristo Miguel, nosso Pai, Criador do Universo de Nebadon.

S333 Channelling #10-0002 by Vince - 5th February 2010

Commence 10:15 hrs

S333 - Good Morning my Son, how are you today?

Vince - A bit fragile thanks and this ribcage thingy hurts like the blazes.

S333 - Well, that comes with falling through the ceiling.

Vince - Yes David, I should have been much more careful.

S333 - Are you up for some channelled stuff today?

Vince - Yes, we could do if you wish.

S333 - Right then, here we go.

Much has been written from this side of the veil about Ascension and related matters, but in another sense little has been written about it. There are those whose job it is to give you messages introducing and updating events, both from the Angelic Realms and from Starfleet personnel. They carry out their duties well, and their information is good.

But, there is a vast block of information missing, which they cannot comment upon in any detail at this time, and that is what happens when the Disclosure and Ascension start point is reached, and beyond? Ascension is happening now, because the higher energies are flooding into Earth, but there is a tipping point, which is set to coincide with Disclosure of Extra Terrestrials, which can be seen as the kicking off point of the whole process, according to the Human mind.

It has rightly been said that there will be a period of Stasis, when every living thing on Earth will pause, and geological events, cleansing activities and human removals will take place. But not much has been written about the next bit. True we hear about co-creational activities, and there are major plans regarding banking, wealth & debt forgiveness and the reformation of government activities; but what about the level of activity on the ground where you live?

Bear in mind that we expect a very large number of humans and animals to be removed from Earth during this period. The animals will be thinned out by species, and numbers within the species. You can expect animals that are very wild and dangerous to animal and human life to be removed totally, species like Crocodiles & Hippos for example, where they are hangovers from ancient and less pleasant times. Where there are overpopulations and infestations of various species which are expected to remain on Earth, they will be cut back drastically, and given maximum population parameters within their revised DNA, so that their breeding instinct is switched off when those limits are reached. The same applies to vegetation; so that only the pleasant stuff remains, and volumes are kept in check.

With Humanity, there is to be an upper limit as to what the Earth will support, and with a totally new way of reproducing, humans will also have an instinct to stop producing when the upper limits are reached. The humans remaining on Earth will be of an altogether more spiritual makeup, than the total mix of the present age. The bulk will be removed during Stasis to other planets more appropriate to their vibrations.

You have experienced Stasis before, and so it will be no surprise to you, except that you won't be waking up to 2 weeks growth on the lawn, it will be vastly different. In your own suburb of your great metropolis that is London, England there are very many houses, apartments, shops and factories, because of the large number of people there at present. But, what if 70% to 80% of them and their animals are no longer there; don't you think that's going to be strange?

Vince - David, that's going to be more than strange, and it throws up all sorts of questions.

S333 - Save them for later, please.

Things which are very much 3rd Dimensional, are unlikely to survive for any length of time in a 5th Dimensional environment, and you are aware that Earth and it's remaining peoples are to become 5th Dimensional, after a period of transition across the 4th Dimensional `Bridge', as we call it. So every being, and every thing remaining on Earth, is subject to these dimensional changes.

The beings, creatures and vegetation not staying will just not be there after Stasis, but most of the `Things' will be. Housing, for example will still be there and much of it will survive into a 4th Dimensional reality, but part way into the 5th Dimension, it will be unable to continue because of the different atomic structure. Humans are changing night in, night out, as we speak, but the prognosis for concrete and brick isn't so good and in time your built environment will need to be replaced.

This should perhaps not be seen as a negative factor, but as a huge opportunity to construct a totally new built environment to suit the lives of a Galactic society. As we have said, these changes will be gradual, and can be tackled on an as & when basis.

The main difficulty for the remaining human population will essentially be twofold. Firstly there will be major geological events happening during the Stasis period. It is impossible at this stage to say what they will be, as Earth adjusts to her new reality, but major volcanic activity, earthquakes and tsunamis are inevitable, and some land masses will disappear from view, and other will appear. You can certainly expect a new continent in the Pacific Ocean.

When you `awake' from Stasis, you will be presented with a very different world. There will be many people missing; some cities, regions and countries will be missing or of a different configuration; there will be beings from other planets around. Many people will be totally bewildered, there will be domestic animals seeking food and water, as their owners will not be around.

Every place of employment will have many people missing; houses and apartments will be empty; roads, rail and airlines will be quiet; food production; power supplies and drinking water may be disrupted. But no one can tell you how you are going to be affected with any degree of certainty, because nobody knows how the process from now to post Stasis will unfold.

In isolated areas subject to minimal geological activity or less, it will be easier for the people to re-establish a civilisation; but in densely built urban areas it will be much more difficult, and where there is moderate to major geological activity worse still, or even impossible.

Of course there will be much help available from Starfleet personnel, and new technologies will be available to assist, but you should expect to see major upheavals with your society. Self starters and innovators will have the edge in post Stasis society.

At that point we will take a break. (11:40 hrs)


S333 - Let us continue.

Of the Humans remaining, only a tiny fraction can be regarded as `Lightworkers' (for want of a better description) and to use a term, `we know who they are'. There are people who are totally unaware at the conscious level, that they have a mission ahead of them. Some of them have skills vital to the reconstruction of a post Stasis galactic society; but all of them will be fully aware of that at the appropriate time, when they will be contacted by the appropriate spiritual authority.

There may be some attempts by remaining governmental sources from the pre-Stasis society, to implement a local, regional or national disaster recovery plan, and in many cases these will end in failure, as they are not based on spiritual principles.

There is going to have to be some major readjustments by people to a completely new way of life. Even allowing for the higher vibration and spiritual principles of 4th & 5th Dimensional beings, you will be at the beginning of a totally new cycle after Stasis, and the old one will have finished; so don't expect everything to be set up for you. This is where the co-creational element comes in. It is for use in constructing the new society at local, regional and national levels; without empires and supra-national groupings outside of the control of its citizenry, and everyone's voice must be heard and their views taken into consideration, however inconvenient this may seem within the various new layers of authority, else such a new society will crumble, like a wall with inadequate foundations.

You the people have to set the agenda, and ensure that it's carried out to the letter.


S333 - Let us continue, shall we?

Vince - OK David, off we go.

S333 - Consider a sub-urban housing estate of one mile square, in which there could be thousands of houses, according to the layout and size. There would have been several thousand people living there, of all ages, both sexes, various racial and ethnic backgrounds, with a whole variety of languages spoken. How likely is it that there will be even one `Lightworker' living inside that area?

Vince - Not very likely.

S333 - Very, very unlikely; so what is to become of them?

Well, there will be Starfleet extra terrestrials on hand, and their spirit guides and helpers. Then how likely is it that they will believe that the ET's are there to help them, and they probably won't know that they've even got Spirit Guides. Not a promising start, I think you'll agree? After all, they've been lied to by government and the media for generations, why should they believe what they are told now?

Therein lays the potential for a huge problem, for if they simply won't believe their new reality, then we have got big problems.


People will need to be led along the right pathway post Stasis, and with various forms of government including the emergency services, transport, police, fire and ambulance; all equally depopulated, they will have to rely on Starfleet personnel and volunteers to fill the void. That is where the community spirit will begin to build from, but it will be a totally different society, without the corruption and greed of the present one.

As part of the reconstruction, there will in time need to be clearances of debris and much of the old style of infrastructure which will no longer be relevant with the new technologies.

It is very probable that once the announcements of Disclosure of ET's is made, followed by programmes depicting the ways that you have all been misled by the Dark Ones, there will be unrest by people seeking retribution or revenge. This is quite understandable, and they will have been told that such action is pointless; but we envisage that we may have to intervene to cease any such disharmony, as there will be enough constructive matters to attend to without this distraction.


S333 Channelling #10-0003 by Vince - 7th February 2010

Commence 10:45 hrs

S333 - Good morning My Son, how are you?

Vince - Not bad David, thanks for asking.

S333 - We wanted to comment on the post Stasis map overview of Earth (Urantia), which you saw on the website today.

Vince - OK David, fire away!!

S333 - Firstly we are not saying it is wrong or far fetched; but it is a snapshot of a vision given to its' earthly creator, as to what could happen; but not what will happen. This distinction is crucial to understand, because it applies to all predictions of this kind relative to Earth post Stasis.

There is a very important variable factor involved, according to how the new Light Energies bring about spiritual upliftment with vast groups of Humanity. We are not yet in a position to draw a line under mankind, and say that `x' billions are ready to ascend, and `y' billions are ready for removal; for it is still in development, and will continue right up until Stasis kicks off.

That final set of figures is going to have a profound effect on what will take place, and must not be discounted. There are factors such as displacement of water by land mass to be taken into consideration, but the Appearance versus Disappearance of regions, countries and continents could well turn out to be roughly equivalent.

The Pacific Ocean, for example, is a vast stretch of water crying out for a new land mass in it, and one will certainly appear. Some existing land in the Pacific Rim area will disappear, with some degree of equivalence and for some communities therein, the result will be devastating, but some regions expected to vanish from view will not, for already there is a lightening within humanity, which will provide an appropriate offsetting factor within the natural equation.

I want to spell this out in large letters, that the results are flexible and are; "NOT SET IN STONE". The lighter the collective Human spirituality shines, the better the outcome will be.

As you may imagine, when a continent emerges from the ocean floor to form a new land mass, it won't be available to settle upon immediately, and will take some time. There will also be mountains in parts of the world, which will disappear from view; lakes will appear as well. It will be a wholesale remodelling of a planet, in readiness for a new natural cycle.



There are on your planet a group of areas which we may term `fleshpots' where humanity of a low vibration gathers for events of an unenlightened nature. These areas will be cleansed or destroyed, as they have no place in a Galactic Society based on spiritual principles.


S333 Channelling #10-0005 by Vince - 9th February 2010

Commence 09:10 hrs

S333 - Good Morning My Son, shall we commence then?

Vince - OK David.

S333 - You live in a reality which is an illusion, but you know that already. You are however amongst the relatively few on your planet who understand this, which is a pity really as some folk are in for a big surprise. Just imagine their thoughts as their neighbourhoods fill up with alien beings, and their TV News tells them that the understanding of their world, which has been handed down by many generations of their family members, is a fabricated illusion.

Some won't `get it'; some won't like it; and others will refuse to believe it, including members of your own family. As they sit staring at their vast wide-screen TV sets, sip cocktails on their leather sofas, and ponder their material investments; they will not want to consider that their priorities had perhaps been, to bet on the wrong horse, so to speak. After all, they hadn't done anything wrong, had they?

Didn't everybody crave the latest gadgets, drive gas guzzlers to work each day, and have a holiday home in France? Well, no actually. There were always the tiny minority who cared for their planet, their environment, and their fellow mankind. It's just that the others had always done what they saw everybody else doing. They even went to their local church, because that entitled their children to go to the church school, which was the best in the county. You can't blame them for that, surely?

No you can't. Everyone had the gift of free-will bestowed upon them by the Creator; so quite rightly they used it to their best advantage, but in doing so lost sight of the objective, which was that mankind was supposed to move forward together. You weren't supposed to grab it all for yourselves; then erect a barrier to keep it all to yourselves, and push the less fortunate members of humanity away.

Not only is that selfish and greedy in the extreme, wasteful of your planet's resources, but just plain stupid. The only way forward is by togetherness, not by selfish isolation, as that is a very 3rd Dimensional concept and unworthy and alien to those intending to become 5th Dimensional.

Did you know that some people use the term `5th Dimension', in the same way they would name drop `Harrods' if they were talking about shopping? `It's the 5th Dimensional thing to do', has become the latest fashionable phrase to use in some circles, even though it is clearly ridiculous and generally not meant in a spiritual way.

Even allowing for the minimum 51% unselfish criteria for admittance to the 5th Dimension, it will be obvious to the casual observer, that there has to be some major training of these people to be fit to become 5th Dimensional. That is not to say that they are unworthy or failures, for they have managed to elevate to the minimum level required to be admitted to the 5th Dimension, but without pretty intense training, they won't be able to understand it, let alone fully participate in such a society.

In order to `harvest' the maximum number of people at the end of this cycle there was a Divine Decree issued, giving the minimum requirement of those to be harvested to the 5th Dimension. It's not quite a straightforward as just being 51% unselfish, for there are also a whole series of `ands', `ifs' and `buts', which I do not intend to list here before you, as you and others would not currently be able to understand all of them; but they are definitive. Thus will the lower rungs of these harvested people need much education, which will mainly take place on the 4th Dimensional Bridge, between the 3rd & 5th Dimensions, and be carried out by volunteers, like you. There is much to do, and many of you will spend part of your time helping these people. There is nobody `too grand' to offer their services in this way, which is a noble cause in its own right, and worthy of a Galactic society.

The day will soon arrive, when the people who don't know why they are here, will be given their orders and thus commence their full participation in the most wonderful event called Ascension. Thus will you be aligned with the Creator of all that is.

Vince - Thanks David.


All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
Comentário de Elisangelis em 2 dezembro 2010 às 13:30

Obrigada por suas amorosas palavras, senti o quanto és carinhosa...em compartilhar, foi muito importante seu esclarecimento para os leitores, pois acompanho o abundant hope, e por essa razão, valiosa.

Apareça sempre!



Comentário de Lucia em 2 dezembro 2010 às 12:13
Isto significa dizer que o “mini-stasis” é exatamente o recurso máximo concedido pelo Criador para que os que nada devem nesse processo de consumação da transição planetária, sofra mais com este processo, porquanto este fenômeno é o de causar o esquecimento temporário dos acontecimentos que não serão sentidos conscientemente por àqueles que não estiverem vibrando em ressonância com os fatos envolvidos de remoção e locomoção dos escuros.Elisangelis

"O recurso" aqui citado não é "mini stasis" e sim stasis ou imobilização.
O que Foi chamado de mini stasis na canalização de Steve, membro do AbundantHope forum, é um curto período de + ou - uma semana onde os escuros seriam removidos da Terra; mais específicamente os últimos quatro cabeças das operações que nos levariam a nova ordem Mundial e impedem os anúncios planejados para antes da grande stasis.
Os anúncios oficiais sobre a stasis ou imobilização vem do site através de seus membros.
Leiam as atualizações em português no
Coloquei a frase acima do canal porque ela na verdade não explica nada, seja pela falta de informação do mesmo ou pelo português usado.
Os canais tem a limitação de seus conhecimentos dos assuntos abordados para serem completamente claros em suas canalizações.
Esse conhecimento sobre a stasis os membros do site americano citado tem, e os membros do site através do forum são nativos de vários países e não somente americanos.
Muita Luz em seus caminhos, e que o amor seja o guia de suas palavras...

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Co-criando A NOVA TERRA

«Que os Santos Seres, cujos discípulos aspiramos ser, nos mostrem a luz que
buscamos e nos dêem a poderosa ajuda
de sua Compaixão e Sabedoria. Existe
um AMOR que transcende a toda compreensão e que mora nos corações
daqueles que vivem no Eterno. Há um
Poder que remove todas as coisas. É Ele que vive e se move em quem o Eu é Uno.
Que esse AMOR esteja conosco e que esse
PODER nos eleve até chegar onde o
Iniciador Único é invocado, até ver o Fulgor de Sua Estrela.
Que o AMOR e a bênção dos Santos Seres
se difunda nos mundos.
PAZ e AMOR a todos os Seres»

A lente que olha para um mundo material vê uma realidade, enquanto a lente que olha através do coração vê uma cena totalmente diferente, ainda que elas estejam olhando para o mesmo mundo. A lente que vocês escolherem determinará como experienciarão a sua realidade.

Oração ao Criador

“Amado Criador, eu invoco a sua sagrada e divina luz para fluir em meu ser e através de todo o meu ser agora. Permita-me aceitar uma vibração mais elevada de sua energia, do que eu experienciei anteriormente; envolva-me com as suas verdadeiras qualidades do amor incondicional, da aceitação e do equilíbrio. Permita-me amar a minha alma e a mim mesmo incondicionalmente, aceitando a verdade que existe em meu interior e ao meu redor. Auxilie-me a alcançar a minha iluminação espiritual a partir de um espaço de paz e de equilíbrio, em todos os momentos, promovendo a clareza em meu coração, mente e realidade.
Encoraje-me através da minha conexão profunda e segura e da energia de fluxo eterno do amor incondicional, do equilíbrio e da aceitação, a amar, aceitar e valorizar  todos os aspectos do Criador a minha volta, enquanto aceito a minha verdadeira jornada e missão na Terra.
Eu peço com intenções puras e verdadeiras que o amor incondicional, a aceitação e o equilíbrio do Criador, vibrem com poder na vibração da energia e na freqüência da Terra, de modo que estas qualidades sagradas possam se tornar as realidades de todos.
Eu peço que todas as energias e hábitos desnecessários, e falsas crenças em meu interior e ao meu redor, assim como na Terra e ao redor dela e de toda a humanidade, sejam agora permitidos a se dissolverem, guiados pela vontade do Criador. Permita que um amor que seja um poderoso curador e conforto para todos, penetre na Terra, na civilização e em meu ser agora. Grato e que assim seja.”

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