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Please, Let’s Learn from the Elenin/Faal Fiasco by Steve Beckow 28 Set 2011

Please, Let’s Learn from the Elenin/Faal Fiasco

2011 September 28

by Steve Beckow

Can we not see how we are being played for suckers?

If we’re really willing to see the kind of damage that people like Sorcha Faal do, then we have to be willing to look at some of things that occur to people who rely on Faal for their predictions. I’d like you to consider this scenario.

An item published on Godlike Productions says:

“September 27, 2011 is by far the worst day on the entire ELE Event  Timeline where the worst-case scenario says to expect a 90-degree  geological pole shift that can send towering waves 250 miles inland and  650 feet or more above sea level. See my 9/26 warning video that has now  surpassed 400,000 views for more information.” (1)

And the item then features this video, called “Terral’s ELEnin Dwarf Star 9/27 Warning Video.” Notice the “ELE,” which stands for “extinction-level event.”

Did you see the important story that Terral refers to in the video? “Super Sun  Blast Fears Put Russian Nuke Plant in Lockdown.” Where was it featured?  EU Times. And who does the EU Times publish? Sorcha Faal. You can find the story featured at Faal’s site, (2) 

Was there an extinction-level event on Sept. 27, 2011? No, there was not. But please, really get that. No ELE happened as a result of the Grand Alignment of Elenin, Earth and Sun.  Sorcha Faal was wrong. I am quite certain that “Sorcha Faal” had no intention of being accurate. I’m quite sure the story served the purpose for which it was intended, which was, in my view, to raise fear and leave us looking foolish.

I’m sorry to be such a heavy about this, but I really need people to get the damage caused by relying on sources like Faal.

I’d now like to run several excerpts by you from three stories on Faal’s site, including the one Terral features in his video. I’d like you to really see how Faal operates.

Here is the first of the excerpts:

“A frightening report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (FAAE) states that ‘emergency notices’ have gone out to all of Russia’s nuclear power plants warning them that a potential ‘blast’ from our Sun could cause ‘massive power blackouts’ and could even result in ‘spontaneous atomic explosions.’

“Interesting to note of all of these events is how unprepared people in the West are to face what the FAAE terms as the ‘worst events to come’ and have, also, been warned about by American experts and scientists too, including the World Net Daily article titled U.S. warned of threat worse than Katrina, plague, WWII that, in part, said:

“More horrifying than the plague of Black Death across Europe. More costly in lives than World War II. Financially, it could make the Katrina repairs look like a pocketful of change. And it’s not a matter of if, but when.” (3)

Now let’s read a second excerpt from a different article:

“New research into DMT is now showing that its production within the human brain is able to be increased naturally by magnetic fields, and with the rapidly changing position of our Earth’s magnetic poles governments are beginning to lose control over their populations.  A greater fear of these governments lie in the effects upon human beings when our Earth begins to feel the effects of a number of comets due to cross our Earth’s orbit, and greatly enhanced electromagnetic fields will further increase the brains production of DMT.

“The chemical form of DMT is outlawed by nearly every country in the world as a dangerous drug, but when tested every human being would test positive for it as it exists in our bodies at all times.  …  The only natural way discovered to counteract the effects of DMT is through the introduction into the body of various stress hormones released due to fear, and constant fear equals a constant suppression of it.”  (4)

And now a third excerpt from another article:

“To if [sic] the date of 27 September when Obama will be in Denver will be the date this ‘spark’ is set off it is not in our knowing.  What is in our knowing, though, is that since the CIA transferred their headquarters to Denver in 2005 under the mysterious airport [second photo left] with bizarre murals depicting [3rd and 4th photos left] picturing mass global death, particularly between Israelis and Palestinians, the questions as to who, or what, actually controls the United States today remains in question.

“And when this information is coupled with the fact that 27 September is one of the most significant dates in American history because on that date, in 1777, after British troops captured Philadelphia, Lancaster, Pennsylvania became the United States capitol for that single day, the first time such a thing occurred in all of that nations history, and it is, also, the date that Comet Elenin enters into its feared alignment with the Earth, Sun and Moon with many believing these conjunctions are responsible for catastrophic earthquakes and tsunamis, and nearly all of NASA’s top officials and scientists will be in Denver on that date too, one can be justifiably perplexed as to the many meanings these events have.”  (5)

Let’s look again at what was predicted by him/her.

  • Massive power blackouts
  • Possible spontaneous atomic explosions
  • Threat worse than Katrina, plague, and WWII
  • Pole shift causing loss of control over populations
  • Electromagnetic fields producing DMT which only fear can counteract
  • Comet Elenin causing massive earthquakes and tsunamis

That last point is what Tarral says in his video, is it not?

So let’s look. We are now past Sept. 27, 2011. Did any of this happen? No. Did people worry that it would? Yes. (Be honest.) Have you not been discussing these subjects on your discussion groups?  Will any of you write in to your groups now and say, “Wow, was I an idiot. I believed what Sorcha Faal said”?

Sorcha Faal succeeded in raising fear among us. And yet anyone who relied on his/her predictions has been shown to have been mistaken. Nothing actually resulted. And so those who predicted dire events for Sept. 27  have lost credibility. So can you see how Sorcha Faal works his/her damaging effect on lightworkers?

You remember I quoted a lightworker who sent Faal’s article out to her distribution list. When I pointed out to her that Faal was not credible, she replied:

“Steve, I’m going to sit back on this one, and see what unfolds. Personally, I believe there’s much more to this than meets the eye.”

There was not more to the situation than met the eye. There was less. Will she now write a note of apology to her readers?

We are here on Sept. 28, 2011, are we not, and no earthquakes and  “towering waves 250 miles inland and  650 feet or more above sea level”  have occurred as a result of the “Grand Alignment” of Elenin, Earth and  Sun.

So Faal causes havoc among lightworkers by raising fear of huge catastrophes that don’t happen, persuading us to spread messages of fear to our readers, and then leaving us high and dry when the predictions don’t pan out.  They were never intended to pan out. They were intended to confuse, terrify, and embarrass us.

But will we learn this time? Will we stop posting Sorcha Faal articles and articles from the EU Times which originate with Faal?

If we don’t, we’re being used (probably) by the CIA Cointelpro people, herded into fear and made to look like fools, our credibility in a shambles. They are probably howling at what they’ve created and how they’ve damaged us.

My request of you? Stop reading Sorcha Faal and stop sending his/her spurious articles to others. Let’s learn from this last encounter with “the end of the world.” Sooner or later, we’re going to have to grow up, put fear behind us and stop wanting to be the ones to warn others of catastrophes that simply don’t happen.

In fact, there is no catastrophe going to happen to the world. Yes, the Earth will ascend and most of us with it. The rest who choose not to ascend will be as carefully cared for as we are. They will exit from natural causes. But this planet is not going to explode. A comet is not going to slam into us. Nuclear winter is not going to be our fate. No martial law. No World War III. We are not going to die agonizing deaths as a planetary community.

Make this Elenin fiasco worth it by what it contributes to our developing discernment.  Let’s let go of the whole round of fear and fear-mongering.  We owe it to ourselves and to everyone around us.



(2) “Super Sun Blast Fears Put Russian Nuke Plants In Lockdown,” Sept. 25, 2011, at

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “Comet Of Doom Warned To Transform Humanity,” Aug. 3, 2011, at

(5) “Obama Ordered To Denver Bunker By US Military, Sept. 14, 2011, at

Exibições: 55


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Co-criando A NOVA TERRA

«Que os Santos Seres, cujos discípulos aspiramos ser, nos mostrem a luz que
buscamos e nos dêem a poderosa ajuda
de sua Compaixão e Sabedoria. Existe
um AMOR que transcende a toda compreensão e que mora nos corações
daqueles que vivem no Eterno. Há um
Poder que remove todas as coisas. É Ele que vive e se move em quem o Eu é Uno.
Que esse AMOR esteja conosco e que esse
PODER nos eleve até chegar onde o
Iniciador Único é invocado, até ver o Fulgor de Sua Estrela.
Que o AMOR e a bênção dos Santos Seres
se difunda nos mundos.
PAZ e AMOR a todos os Seres»

A lente que olha para um mundo material vê uma realidade, enquanto a lente que olha através do coração vê uma cena totalmente diferente, ainda que elas estejam olhando para o mesmo mundo. A lente que vocês escolherem determinará como experienciarão a sua realidade.

Oração ao Criador

“Amado Criador, eu invoco a sua sagrada e divina luz para fluir em meu ser e através de todo o meu ser agora. Permita-me aceitar uma vibração mais elevada de sua energia, do que eu experienciei anteriormente; envolva-me com as suas verdadeiras qualidades do amor incondicional, da aceitação e do equilíbrio. Permita-me amar a minha alma e a mim mesmo incondicionalmente, aceitando a verdade que existe em meu interior e ao meu redor. Auxilie-me a alcançar a minha iluminação espiritual a partir de um espaço de paz e de equilíbrio, em todos os momentos, promovendo a clareza em meu coração, mente e realidade.
Encoraje-me através da minha conexão profunda e segura e da energia de fluxo eterno do amor incondicional, do equilíbrio e da aceitação, a amar, aceitar e valorizar  todos os aspectos do Criador a minha volta, enquanto aceito a minha verdadeira jornada e missão na Terra.
Eu peço com intenções puras e verdadeiras que o amor incondicional, a aceitação e o equilíbrio do Criador, vibrem com poder na vibração da energia e na freqüência da Terra, de modo que estas qualidades sagradas possam se tornar as realidades de todos.
Eu peço que todas as energias e hábitos desnecessários, e falsas crenças em meu interior e ao meu redor, assim como na Terra e ao redor dela e de toda a humanidade, sejam agora permitidos a se dissolverem, guiados pela vontade do Criador. Permita que um amor que seja um poderoso curador e conforto para todos, penetre na Terra, na civilização e em meu ser agora. Grato e que assim seja.”

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