sendo postos em prática, de forma tão intensa e acelerada, que não podem ser
vistas pelos olhos materiais e também pelos imateriais, como dos
Transição Planetária, já se encontra concluída, porque não precisamos de provas
materiais de sua veracidade, como os irmãos da superfície exigem para que
Cidades Intramarinas virão a tona e servirão de morada para os resgatados na
Terra Renovada. As que têm por função pesquisas e aquelas que eram laboratórios
para estudos dos nossos cientistas, não subirão.
são as que hoje servem de abrigo para os resgatados das catástrofes, ou trazidos
para as nossas câmaras de tratamento.
Seres de Luz, o conhecimento da hora e ano, de quando a Transição ocorrerá; mas,
como tempo acelerado, não negligenciaremos nossas obrigações quanto a manutenção
da Cidade sob nossa responsabilidade, achando que quando estiver acontecendo
poderemos agir.
que circula no ambiente terreno, força as contenções do eixo da Terra, o mesmo
ocorre com nossas Cidades, onde o forte magnetismo força a subida destas,
provocando abalos nas correntes dos mares e de todo seu sistema.
correntes de energia, para que uma catástrofe mundial não ocorra, precipitando
acontecimentos que não estão no seu momento de ocorrer.
com a larga experiência dos nossos amigos extraterrenos e cientistas
desencarnados da Terra, que com amor nos ajudam, aconselhando nos trabalhos
I May Not Have a Job, But I Have an Occupation
Let’s be real. Many, many people are not aware of it, but our world is under occupation by a small group, an elite, who have progressively corraled us and taken an ever-increasing share of the world’s wealth and resources for themselves.
The majority of people alive today have no idea what they planned for us. They don’t know that this cabal intended to depopulate the globe – to reduce its population from 7-odd billion to 500 million, as they announced on the Georgia Guidestones.
They have no idea that those persistent clouds they see overhead, which we call chemtrails, were designed to sicken the population and cause death. They little suspect that the pandemics that the world has had – SARS, avian flu, swine flu, even AIDS – were concocted in places like Fort Detrick and designed to reduce the world’s population, sometimes in racially-specific ways. Toxic vaccines were designed to be equally harmful.
They know nothing about the weather warfare this cabal has waged – the earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, firestorms, snowstorms, flooding and droughts that this elite has engineered with weather-control technology.
They little suspect that false-flag operations like 9/11, the London, Oklahoma City and Madrid bombings, the Mumbai attacks and other operations were carried out by the CIA black ops unit. They little suspect that these carefully-staged black operations were used to justify illegal wars of occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq. They probably don’t even know that depleted-uranium weapons have been deliberately used to kill the civilian population and deform and kill their babies.
They know nothing of the intention to extend these wars to Iran, to nuclear bomb that country, and begin a cataclysmic World War III that this elite would survive in their Deep Underground Military Bunkers or DUMBs, under places like Denver International Airport.
But we know. And now we, who have few jobs, have a new occupation. That occupation is to take back this world, peacefully but irresistibly, from these erstwhile masters of the universe, to liberate it, to populate it – not to depopulate it – with people who intend to share that wealth and those resources equitably and peacefully, as harmonious brothers and sisters, wherever they live.
Our occupation together is the liberation of the world and we have unstoppable momentum. From country to country our movement will go and will topple this dark cabal, liberate the armed forces, restore their honor, and turn back the constitutional incursions that have whittled away our rights and freedoms and subjected us to such poverty and indignities.
This is our world. And we have become an occupation together for peace, freedom and harmony. There will be no denying us. There has never been any stopping us, but now we know that. The secret is out. The people’s power is supreme. In the face of it, no cabal, no secret state, no military-industrial complex can succeed. The people have never been defeated, are not now, and can never be. This world belongs to the people and we intend now to occupy it.
I may not have a job, but I have an occupation. That occupation is to take back my world in the name of peace, freedom and harmony.
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